Weardale Area Action Partnership
Area Action Partnerships have been set up to give people in County Durham a greater choice and voice in local affairs. The partnerships allow people to have a say on services, and give organisations the chance to speak directly with local communities.
By working in partnership we help ensure that the services of a range of organisations – including the county and town and parish councils, police, fire, health, and voluntary organisations – are directed to meet the needs of local communities and focus their actions and spending on issues important to these local communities.
The Weardale Action Partnership’s (WAP) area stretches from Witton-le-Wear to Killhope and northwards to Muggleswick, Edmundbyers and Hunstanworth.
Examples of some of the work carried out by the Weardale Action Partnership include:
- supporting the management committee of the Westgate Village Hall in their project to refurbish the World War 1 Memorial Clock. The committee secured funding of £3,000 towards the overall costs of the refurbishment from the WAP.
- supporting activities for youth including Wolsingham Football Academy, Phoenix Badminton Club, Weardale Gymnastics Club, Stanhope Silver Band – Junior Section, Cowshill Astronomy Group.
- the provision of a Rural Employability Officer. Through this project, the WAP have helped 45 Weardale residents to gain employment in 2013. Also, our Small Grants Fund has enabled volunteers at local clubs to obtain training in youth work and coaching.
If you would like to have your say and influence the decisions that affect your area, registering as a forum member will ensure that you are kept informed of the work being done in Weardale by the Weardale Action Partnership.
If you would like to become a member of the forum, please contact a member of the team on 03000 268077 or by email to weardaleaap@durham.gov.uk
Unit B7
Weardale Area Action Partnership
Castle Gardens
Co. Durham
DL13 2FJ
03000 268 077